UBS has expanded its exchange-traded notes offering in the US market with new leveraged plays linked to proprietary indices; German provider launches first callable/putable bitcoin ETN; MSCI to licence new indexes to Eurex; Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA) expands its ranks; and more.

UBS Investment Bank has launched five new Etracs Series B ETNs which are available for trading on NYSE Arca. The new ETNs include the Etracs 2x Monthly Leveraged Wells Fargo Diversified Business Development Company Index ETN Series B; Etracs Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Wells Fargo MLP Ex-Energy ETN Series B; Etracs Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US High Dividend Low Volatility ETN Series B; Etracs Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return ETN Series B; and Etracs Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Closed-End Fund ETN S

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