
SRP Wrapper Guide Asia Pacific 2024

This report focuses on the various wrappers available for structured products in the Asia Pacific region.

SRP Wrapper Guide Europe 2024

This report focuses on the various wrappers available for structured products.

Belgium market report, Forum 2023

An overview of some of the key features in the Belgian structured products market. This report was presented to attendees of the SRP Belgium Forum 2023, in Brussels on 19 October 2023. 

French market overview - January to September 2023
All the highlights from activity in the French structured product market for the first nine months of 2023. 
SRP Index Report 2023: Strategy & Custom Indices

In the fourth chapter of the latest iteration of the SRP Index report we look at the use of strategy & custom indices in the structured products market.

SRP Thematic/Decrement Index Report 2023

In the third chapter of the latest iteration of the SRP Index report we look at the use of thematic and decrement indices in the structured products market. 

SRP Market cap/Industry sector Index Report 2023

In the second chapter of the latest iteration of the SRP Index report we look at how the structured products market remains a focus for innovation as product providers and investors move towards customised underlyings.